Automation may be completed thru computers, hydraulics, pneumatics, robotics, etc., of those sources, pneumatics shape an appealing medium for low value automation. The essential benefits of all pneumatic structures are financial stability and simplicity. Automation performs a crucial position in mass production. Nowadays, nearly all the production procedures are being automated so one can supply the goods at a quicker rate. The following motives affirm the advantages of automation:


    • To achieve mass production
    • To reduce man power
    • To increase the efficiency of the plant
    • To reduce the work load
    • To reduce the production cost
    • To reduce the production time
    • To reduce the material handling
    • To reduce the fatigue of workers
    • To achieve good product quality
    • Less maintenance





    The word "pneuma" comes from Greek and means wind. The term pneumatics is the study of air motion and its phenomena, derived from the phrase pneuma. Today, pneumatics is specifically understood to be the use of air as a running medium in enterprise, mainly for the riding and controlling of machines and equipment. Pneumatics has long been used for performing solely mechanical duties, and in more recent times, it has played an even more important role in the advancement of pneumatic era for automation.



    Pneumatic systems operate on a supply of compressed air, which must be made available in a sufficient quantity and at a pressure to suit the capacity of the system. However, when the pneumatic system is being adopted for the first time, it will indeed be necessary to deal with the question of compressed air supply. The key part of any facility for the delivery of compressed air is the way it approaches the usage of reciprocating compressors. A compressor is a machine that takes in air, gas at a certain pressure and delivers the air at a high pressure. Compressor capacity is the actual quantity of air compressed and delivered, and the volume expressed is that of the air at intake conditions, namely at atmospheric pressure and normal ambient temperature. 


    The compressibility of air was first investigated by Robot Boyle in  and that hed that the product of pressure and volumvolumeaof aicular quantity of gas.



    The compressibility of air was first investigated by Robot Boyle in  and that hed that the product of pressure and volumvolumeaof aicular quantity of gas.


    The usual written as PV =C (or) PiVi =P2V2


    In this equation, the stress is absolutely the compelled, which is completely free at 14.7Psi and is brave enough to maintain a column of mercury, nearly 30 inches in an ordinary barometer. Any fuel may be utilised in pneumatic devices, but air is the most commonly used device nowadays.


    Selectivity of PNEUMATICS


    Mechanization is widely described as an alternative to guiding an attempt through mechanical power. Pneumatic is an appealing medium for low-cost mechanisation, especially for sequential (or) repetitive operations. Many factories and flowers already have a compressed air device that can provide the power (or) strength requirements and manipulate the device (though similarly, pneumatic manipulate structures can be economical and can be advantageously implemented for different types of power). The primary benefits of an all-pneumatic device are normally economic and ease of use, the latter lowering protection to a low level. It could have first-rate benefits in terms of safety.





    Pneumatic structures use pressurised gases to transmit and manipulate power. Pneumatic structures typically use air as the fluid medium because it is safe, inexpensive, and readily available.



    A compressor may be classified into two general types.


    1.Compressor with Positive Displacement

    2. compressor with turbocharger


    Positive displacement compressors are most frequently employed for compressed air plants and have proved highly successful in supplying air for pneumatic control applications. 

    The types of positive compressor


    1. a reciprocating compressor 

    2. Compressor of the rotary type


    Turbo compressors are employed where large amounts of air are required at low discharge pressures. They cannot attain the pressure necessary for pneumatic control applications unless built into multistage designs and are seldom encountered in pneumatic service.



    Reciprocating compressors can be had in sizes from the smallest capacities to more than 500m3/min. In a single-stage compressor, the air pressure may be as high as 6 bar. Discharge pressures in the range of 250bars can be obtained with high-pressure reciprocating compressors of three or four stages. Single-stage and 1200 stage models are particularly suitable for applications, with preference going to the two-stage design as soon as the discharge pressure exceeds 6 bars, because it is capable of matching the performance of single-stage machines at lower costs per driving power in the range.





    The pneumatic jack can be widely used in low-cost automation in manufacturing industries. The weight lifting is short and effortless, which reduces the bodily fatigue (tiredness) felt through the worker.





    Pneumatic cylinders impart a force by converting the potential energy of compressed gas into kinetic energy. This is achieved by the compressed gas being able to expand without external energy input, which itself occurs due to the pressure gradient established by the compressed gas being at a greater pressure than the atmospheric pressure. This air expansion forces a piston to move in the desired direction. Cylinders that can only be moved pneumatically in one direction also exist. Cylinders of this type are called "single-action cylinders." The compressor cylinder is a single-action cylinder. Two of the valves contained in the kit are required in order to move a cylinder in both directions. To move the cylinder inwards, valve V2 is open and valve V1 is closed. The pneumatic system uses manually or electrically operated valves to control the direction of movement. As pressure builds at one end of the cylinder and the rod starts to extend, air exhausts out the opposite end of the cylinder. The exhausting air passes through the flow control valve and the directional control valve located at the end of the cylinder and exhausts to the atmosphere. When the cylinder retracts, the flow control valve at the end of the cylinder controls the flow, and the first valve allows air freely through.



    This allows it to move to the end of its journey at a slower speed. This adjustment is normally at the end of the cylinder head.  Freezing can damage the seals and control surfaces, allowing air leakage past valves or locking a valve from operating. Check valves may be inserted in the line to be sure the cylinder will stay in the desired position and not drift. This is useful in case some part is leaking or there is a loss of air pressure in the plant system.




    Solenoid Valve:  


    This valve was selected for speedy operation and to reduce the manual effort, as well as for the modification of the machine into an automatic machine by means of using a solenoid valve. A solenoid is one in which the plunger is pulled when the solenoid is energized. The names of the parts of the solenoid should be learned so that they can be recognised when called upon to make repairs, do service work, or install them.





    1. COIL


    The solenoid coil is made of copper wire. The layers of wire are separated by an insulating layer. The entire solenoid coil is covered with a varnish that is not affected by solvents, moisture, cutting oil, or many fluids. Coils are rated at various voltages, such as 115 volts AC, 230 volts AC, 460 volts Ac, and 575 volts AC. 6 Volts DC, 12 Volts DC, 230 volts direct current They are designed for such frequencies as 50 Hz to 60 Hz.



    2. framework


    The solenoid frame serves several purposes. The frame has provisions for attaching the mounting. They are usually bolted or welded to the frame. The frame has provisions for receivers, the plunger. The wear strips are mounted to the solenoid frame, and are made of materials such as metal or less flannel cloth impregnated



    3. Solenoid for the plunger


    The plunger is made of steel laminations which are riveted together under high pressure, so that there will be no movement of the laminations with respect to one another.  The solenoid plunger is moved by a magnetic force in one direction and is usually returned by spring action. Solenoid operated valves are usually provided with covers that cover either the solenoid or the entire valve.



    The solenoid valve has five openings. These ensure easy exhaustion of the 5/2 valve. The spool of the 5/2 valve slides inside the main bore according to spool position: The ports get connected and disconnected.


    The working principle is as follows:



    When the spool is actuated towards the outer direction, port „P gets connected to „B and port „S remains closed while "A" gets connected to "R".



    When the spool is pushed in the inner direction, ports „P and „A get connected to each other, and „B to "S" remains closed, while "R" remains closed. 





    The control valve that is used to control the flow direction is called a cut-off valve or solenoid valve. In our project, a separate solenoid valve is used for the flow direction of the vice cylinder. It is used to flow the air from the compressor to the single-acting cylinder.


    Flow control valve:

    A flow control valve is used to control the speed of the actuator in any fluid power circuit. Control of the flow can be achieved by varying the area of flow through which the air is passing.  When the area is increased, more air will be sent to the actuator. As a result, its speed will increase 


    pressure regulator:

    The main function of the pressure control valve is to limit (or control) the pressure required in a pneumatic circuit. Depending upon the method of control, they are classified as pressure relief valves. pressure-reducing valve



    Hoses used in this pneumatic system are made of polyurethane. These hoses can withstand pressures up to 10 x 105N/m2.



    In our system, there are two types of connectors used. One is the one that is a hose connector and the other is a reducer. Hose connectors normally comprise an adopted hose nipple and a cap nut. These types of connectors are made of brass (or) aluminium (or) hardened pneumatic steel.



    The pneumatic jack machine An air-operated device is used for many small operations. It is a portable one. Compressed air is the source of energy for this device. Compressed air is allowed. Here the compressed air from the compressor first enters the control unit. In the control unit, the pressure of the air is controlled.



    Pressure gauges are usually fitted with regulators. So the air pressure adjusted in the regulator is indicated in the pressure gauge, which is the line pressure of the air taken to the cylinder. 3.6. A mechanical jack is a device that lifts heavy equipment.  A pneumatic jack is a hydraulic jack that is actuated by compressed air—for example, air from a compressor instead of human effort.







    Here, the pneumatic jack is operated with the help of pneumatic power. To transport the vehicle load for use in the automobile workshop and service station.





    The working medium adopted is compressed air. Compressed air is transmitted through tubes to a pneumatic cylinder where power is converted into reciprocating motion. The reciprocating motion is obtained by using an electrically controlled solenoid valve. The reciprocating motion is transmitted to the jack through the piston, which moves on the cylinder. The jack is placed under the vehicle chassis, where the vehicle is to be lifted. The piston, which is connected to the jack. Power can be easily transmitted. fewer transmission losses A single compressor can supply power to many pneumatic devices. Low cost it is easy to work with and reduces manual stress.



    need a separate compressor.



    used in automobile service stations and can also be used in vehicles instead of screw jacks.



    Factors Determining the Choice of Materials


    The various factors which determine the choice of material are discussed below.




    The council decided on the need to own the vital residences for the proposed application. The diverse necessities to be happy may be weight, floor finish, rigidity, potential to resist environmental assault from chemicals, provider life, reliability, etc. The following 4 sorts of primary residences of substances decisively have an effect on their selection.


    1. Physical
    2. Mechanical
    3. From a manufacturing point of view,
    4. Chemical


    The various physical properties concerned are melting point, thermal conductivity, specific heat, coefficient of thermal expansion, specific gravity, electrical conductivity, magnetic properties, etc. The various mechanical properties concerned are strength in tensile, compressive shear, bending, tensional and buckling load, fatigue resistance, impact resistance, elastic limit, endurance limit, and modulus of elasticity, hardness, wear resistance, and sliding properties. The various properties concerned from the manufacturing point of view are,

    • Cast ability
    • Weld ability
    • Surface properties
    • Shrinkage





    The project carried out by us was an impressive task in the field of automobiles and automobile workshops. Working in an automobile workshop or a service station is extremely beneficial to employees. This project has also reduced the cost involved in the concern. The project has been designed to perform the entire requirement task which has also been provided.