materials possess different properties in varying degree and therefore behave
in different ways under given conditions. These properties include Mechanical
properties, Electrical properties, Thermal properties, Chemical properties,
Magnetic properties and Physical properties. A design engineer is interested in
the behaviour of materials under load which is mechanical in nature, for the
design of machines & structures. Any material subjected to a load either
deforms, yield, or break, depending upon the magnitude of the load. We are
basically interested in knowing as to how a particular material will behave
under applied load i.e., in knowing the mechanical properties.
Those characteristics of the materials which
describe their behaviour under external loads are known as Mechanical
Properties. The most important and useful mechanical properties are:
It is the resistance offered by a material when
subjected to external loading. So, stronger the material the greater the load
it can withstand. Depending upon the type of load applied the strength can be
tensile, compressive, shear or torsional. The maximum stress that any material
will withstand before destruction is called its ultimate strength.
Elasticity of a material is its power of coming
back to its original position after deformation when the stress or load is
removed. Elasticity is a tensile property of its material. The greatest stress
that a material can endure without taking up some permanent set is called elastic
Stiffness (Rigidity)
The resistance of a material to deflection is
called stiffness or rigidity. Steel is stiffer or more rigid than aluminium. Stiffness is measured by
young’s modulus E. The higher the value of the young’s modulus, the stiffer the
material. E is the ratio of stress over strain and is given by the slope of
line O–A.
plasticity of a material is its ability to undergo some degree of permanent
deformation without failure. Plastic deformation will take place only after the
elastic range has been exceeded, beyond point b. Plasticity is an important
property and widely used in several mechanical processes like forming, shaping,
extruding and many other hot and cold working processes. In general, plasticity
increases with increasing temperature and is a favourable property of material
for secondary forming processes. Due to these properties various metal can be
transformed into different products of required shape and size. This conversion
into desired shape and size is affected either by the application of pressure,
heat or both.
of a material enables it to draw out into thin wire on application of the load.
Mild steel is a ductile material. The wires of gold, silver, copper, aluminium,
etc. are drawn by extrusion or by pulling through a hole in a die due to the
ductile property. The ductility decreases with increase of temperature. The per
cent elongation and the reduction in area in tension is often used as empirical
measures of ductility.
of a material is its ability to be flattened into thin sheets without cracking
by hot or cold working. Aluminium, copper, tin, lead, steel, etc. are malleable
metals. Lead can be readily rolled and hammered into thin sheets but cannot be
drawn into wire. Ductility is a tensile property, whereas malleability is a
compressive property. Malleability increases with increase of temperature.
brittleness of a material is the property of breaking without much permanent
distortion. There are many materials, which break or fail before much
deformation take place. Such materials are brittle e.g., glass, cast iron. Therefore,
a non-ductile material is said to be a brittle material. Usually, the tensile
strength of brittle materials is only a fraction of their compressive strength.
A brittle material should not be considered as lacking in strength. It only
shows the lack of plasticity. On stress-strain diagram, these materials don’t
have yield point and value of E is small.
toughness of a material is its ability to withstand both plastic and elastic
deformations. It is a highly desirable quality for structural and machine parts
to withstand shock and vibration. Manganese steel, wrought iron, mild steels
are tough materials. For Ex: If a load is suddenly applied to a piece of mild
steel and then to a piece of glass the mild steel will absorb much more energy
before failure occurs. Thus, mild steel is said to be much tougher than a
glass. Toughness is a measure of the amount of energy a material can absorb
before actual fracture or failure takes place. “The work or energy a material
absorbs is called modulus of toughness” Toughness is also resistance to shock
loading. It is measured by a special test on Impact Testing Machine.
Hardness is closely related to strength. It is the
ability of a material to resist scratching, abrasion, indentation, or
penetration. It is directly proportional to tensile strength and is measured on
special hardness testing machines by measuring the resistance of the material
against penetration of an indentor of special shape and material under a given
load. The different scales of hardness are Brinell hardness, Rockwell hardness,
Vicker’s hardness, etc. Hardness of a metal does not directly relate to the
hardenability of the metal. Hardenability is indicative of the degree of
hardness that the metal can acquire through the hardening process. i.e., heating
or quenching.
Hardenability is the degree of hardness that can
be imparted to metal by process of hardening. A metal capable of being hardened
throughout its structure is said to have high hardenability. The material is
heated above a certain temperature and then suddenly quenched in a cold oil or water
Impact Strength
It can be defined as the resistance of the
material to fracture under impact loading, i.e., under quickly applied dynamic
loads. Two standard tests are normally used to determine this property.
1. The IZOD impact test.
2. The CHARPY test.
Resilience is the capacity of material to absorb
energy elastically. On removal of the load, the energy stored is released as in
a spring. The maximum energy which can be stored in a body up to elastic limit
is called the proof resilience. The quantity gives capacity of the material to
bear shocks and vibrations. The strain energy stored in a material of unit
volume gives proof resilience and is measured by work stretching.
The fatigue strength of a material is the maximum
stress at which failure may occur after a certain number of cyclic load
applications. A component is designed to give a certain length of service under
a specified loading cycle. Many components of high speed aero and turbine
engines are designed for fatigue strength. The fatigue strength or endurance
limit of material is used in the design of parts subjected to repeated
alternating stresses over an extended period of time. Specimens are
tested to failure using different loads. The number of cycles is noted for each
load. The results of such tests are plotted as graphs of applied stress against
the logarithm of the number of cycles of failure. The curve is known as S-N
curve. The tests are carried out on special fatigue testing machines.
The slow and continuous elongation of a material
with time at constant stress and high temperature below elastic limit is called
creep. At high temperatures, stresses even below the elastic limit can cause
some permanent deformation on stress-strain diagram. There are three stages of
creep. In the first stage the material elongates rapidly but at a decreasing
rate. In the second stage, the rate of elongation is constant. In third stage,
the rate of elongation increases rapidly until the material fails. The stress
for a specified rate of strain at a constant temperature is called creep
strength. Creep test is carried out at high temperature. A creep curve is a
plot of elongation of a tensile specimen versus time, for a given temperature
and under constant stress. Tests are carried out for a period of a few days to
many years. The test can be carried out on Universal Testing Machine with
special attachments.
Creep curve shows four stages of elongation:
(a) Instantaneous elongation on application of
(b) Primary creep: Work hardening decreases and
recovery is slow.
(c) Secondary creep: Rate of work hardening and
recovery processes is equal.
(d) Tertiary Creep: Grain boundary cracks. Necking
reduces the cross-sectional area of the test specimen. The creep strength is
used for the design of blades and other parts of steam and gas turbines working
at high temperatures.
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