CHASSIS FRAME: Definition, Chassis and its main Components


Introduction of Chassis Frame


Chassis is a French term and was initially used to denote the frame parts or Basic Structure of the vehicle. It is the back bone of the vehicle. A vehicle with-out body is called Chassis. The components of the vehicle like Power plant, Transmission System, Axles, Wheels and Tyres, Suspension, Controlling Systems like Braking, steering etc., and also electrical system parts are mounted on the Chassis frame. It is the main mounting for all the components including the body. so it is also called as Carrying Unit.


    Layout of Chassis and its main Components:



    CHASSIS FRAME: Definition, Chassis and its main Components

    The following main components of the Chassis are


    1. Frame: it is made up of long two members called side members riveted together with the help of number of cross members.

    2. Engine or Power plant: It provides the source of power

    3. Clutch: It connects and disconnects the power from the engine fly wheel to the transmission system.

    4. Gear Box

    5. U Joint

    6. Propeller Shaft

    7. Differential




    1. To carry load of the passengers or goods carried in the body.

    2. To support the load of the body, engine, gear box etc.,

    3. To withstand the forces caused due to the sudden braking or acceleration

    4. To withstand the stresses caused due to the bad road condition.

    5. To withstand centrifugal force while cornering





    There are three types of frames

    1. Conventional frame

    2. Integral frame

    3. Semi-integral frame


    1.Conventional frame:


    It has two long side members and 5 to 6 cross members joined together with the help of rivets and bolts. The frame sections are used generally.

    a. Channel Section - Good resistance to bending

    b. Tabular Section - Good resistance to Torsion

    c. Box Section - Good resistance to both bending and Torsion


    2. Integral Frame:  


    This frame is used now a days in most of the cars. There is no frame and all the assembly units are attached to the body. All the functions of the frame carried out by the body itself. Due to elimination of long frame it is cheaper and due to less weight most economical also. Only disadvantage is repairing is difficult.


    3. Semi - Integral Frame:

    In some vehicles half frame is fixed in the front end on which engine gear box and front suspension is mounted. It has the advantage when the vehicle is met with accident the front frame can be taken easily to replace the damaged chassis frame. This type of frame is used in FIAT cars and some of the European and American cars.




    Various loads acting on the frame are

    1.      Short duration Load - While crossing a broken patch.

    2. Momentary duration Load - While taking a curve.

     3. Impact Loads - Due to the collision of the vehicle.

     4. Inertia Load - While applying brakes.

     5. Static Loads - Loads due to chassis parts.

     6. Over Loads - Beyond Design capacity.





    The Automobile bodies are divided in two groups


    CHASSIS FRAME: Definition, Chassis and its main Components


    According to Chassis design the body can divided into


    1. Conventional Type

    2. Integral Type

    3. Semi- Integral Type


    CHASSIS FRAME: Definition, Chassis and its main Components


    According to other usage:


    1. Light vehicle Bodies - cars, jeeps

    2. Heavy vehicle Bodies – Busses, Lorries

    3. Medium vehicle Bodies - Vans, Metadoors





     The body of the most vehicle should fulfill the following requirements:

    1. The body should be light.

    2. It should have minimum number of components.

    3. It should provide sufficient space for passengers and luggage.

    4. It should withstand vibrations while in motion.

    5. It should offer minimum resistance to air.

    6. It should be cheap and easy in manufacturing.

    7. It should be attractive in shape and colour.

    8. It should have uniformly distributed load.

    9. It should have long fatigue life

    10.It should provide good vision and ventilation.